
用visual studio 2013也有段时间了,下面列举一下我最喜欢的一些新特性。

  1. Code lens
  2. Peeking definition, Alt+F12
  3. Scroll bar
  4. Navigate to, Ctrl + ,
  5. Ctrl+K, Ctrl+O (switch .h .cpp file)
  6. Move lines, Alt + Up, Alt + Down
  7. Retuned values when debugging
  8. Edit and Continue(both 32bit and 64bit)
  9. Feedback
  10. Test explorer category, code coverage
  11. Debug managed memory (need .NET 4.5 dump)
  12. Quick Launch, Search in Options (VS 2012 also)
  13. Code map debugger (VS 2012 also)
  14. Dependency diagram (VS 2012 also)