Tools for Your Debugging Toolbox是windows下的调试工具大集合,包含下面这些工具的简介和下载地址。
- Performance Monitor - PAL
- Process Monitor
- Process Explorer
- MPSReport
- SPSReport
- SPDisposeCheck
- Dependency Walker
- SQL Nexus
- LogParser
- Indihiang
- PowerShell
- Application Verifier
- Logger/LogViewer
- XPerf – Windows Performance Analyzer
- PerfView – Low Level Profiler for .NET applications
- DebugDiag – Debug Diagnostic
- ProcDump – Process Dump
- WinDbg – Windows Debugging Tools
- WinDbg Scripts – Automate the Debugging
- Netmon – Microsoft Network Monitor
- Fiddler – HTTP Debugger Proxy
- NP .NET Profiler - Lightweight profiler designed to assist in troubleshooting issues such as slow performance, memory related issues, and first chance exceptions in .NET applications