
上次写的那个gvim编辑xml的方式有点不太好,没有把xml的层级关系列出来,今天找了找,比较完美的解决了gvim编辑和查看xml的问题 。

let mapleader = “,”
map px : %!xmllint % –format
这样在打开xml后,键盘输入,px,就能得到xml的pretty xml效果。

对于编辑,需要xmledit - A filetype plugin to help edit XML, HTML, and SGML documents ,用这个覆盖掉原来gvim自带的xml.vim,在编辑xml文件时就能省很多事了,照抄文档里说。It allows you to jump to the beginning or end of the tag block your cursor is in. ‘%’ will jump between ‘<’ and ‘>’ within the tag your cursor is in. When in insert mode and you finish a tag (pressing ‘>’) the tag will be completed. If you press ‘>’ twice it will complete the tag and place the cursor in the middle of the tags on it’s own line.
