  1. 1. General
  2. 2. View
  3. 3. Navigation
  4. 4. File
  5. 5. Edit

Github推出了一个类似于Sublime的编辑器Atom,现在可以直接从官网下载Windows平台的zip包,也可以用Chocolatey来安装。我在之前的博客Windows的应用管理工具 PortableApps,Chocolatey和Ninite中介绍过。



Command Description
Ctrl + Shift + p Toggle command palette
Ctrl + , Setting


Command Description
Ctrl + \ Toggle tree view and side bar
Ctrl + 0 Focus on the tree view
F11 Toggle full screen
Ctrl + Shift + m Toggle markdown preview


Command Description
Ctrl + f Find in file
Ctrl + Shift + f Find in project
Alt + F3 Find and highlight all
Ctrl + g Go to line
Ctrl + r Toggle file symbol
Ctrl + Shift + r Toggle project symbol
Ctrl + m Go to matching bracket
Ctrl + Alt + [ Fold current row
Ctrl + Alt + ] Unfold current row
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + [ Fold all
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ] Unfold all


Command Description
Ctrl + t (Ctrl + p) Open file in current project
Ctrl + b Open file in current buffer
Ctrl + k, left/right/up/down Split pane left/right/up/down
Ctrl + k, Ctrl + left/right/up/down Focus pane left/right/up/down


Command Description
Ctrl + Space Show available auto-completions
Ctrl + / Toggle line comment
Ctrl + up/down Move line up/down
Ctrl + Delete Delete following word
Ctrl + Backsapce Delete previous word
Ctrl + Shift + k Delete current line
Ctrl + Shift + d Duplicate current line
Ctrl + j Join current and next line
Ctrl + d Select current word
Ctrl + Shift + c Copy current file path
Ctrl + Alt + . Close current tag
  1. 1. General
  2. 2. View
  3. 3. Navigation
  4. 4. File
  5. 5. Edit